October 4 2010
OCTOBER 4, 2010
Officers and Committee Chairpersons
President: Coaline Luplow - Vice-President: Carol Zeile - Secretary: Lois Ramsey -
Treasurer: Sharyn Greening - Banner Committee: Gretchen Harrison -
Altar Committee: Carol Zeile - Kitchen Committee: Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey -
Sunshine Committee: Marlene Miller - Library Committee: Coaline Luplow --
Special Events Committee: Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey
Charitable Donations Committee: Dorothy Trgina
Call to Order: President Coaline Luplow gave the call to order at 1:00 p.m., and gave the opening prayer. Those attending were: Yvonne Ellenbaas, Sharyn Greening, Carol Zeile, Sally Pease, Gretchen Harrison, Phyllis Hill, Coaline Luplow, Lois Ramsey, Mary Jakolat, Marlene Miller, Charlotte Dargie, and Pastor Messer. The Devotion read was the Portals of Prayer reading for today: "Where are We to Buy Bread?â€, based on Psalm 107:1-9. Mites were collected.
Secretary's Report: The report for September 11 was approved subject to the following correction under the Committee Reports: Charitable Donations. Dorothy Trgina did not attend the meeting. The report was given by Coaline Luplow. The report of the Special Meeting on Sunday, September 19, was approved as presented.
Treasurer's Report: Account Balances are: Savings, $1,259.06; Checking, $548.00.
Committee Reports:
a. Altar, Carol Zeile. The Altar Guild list for 2011 is nearly complete. Pastor made some changes for the end of the year and he has made a new calendar reflecting the changes and the color chart.
b. Banner, Gretchen Harrison. Gretchen thanked the ladies for their help in
getting the banners sorted and hung in the new storage area. Some old banners were retired and Gretchen repaired others. Forty-six banners are hung on numbered rods and all the thumb-nail sketch pictures in the banner book are numbered accordingly; a list was compiled for placement at the front of the banner books. Gretchen's book will be placed in a holder on the wall by the banners. Coaline has a second book, and a third book is placed in the church office. An additional eight (8) banners are hung by Pastor's office; the placement of these banners is incorporated in the Altar Guild duties. These banners are not numbered.
c. Kitchen, Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey. Lois reported that during the
summer months supplies were purchased on as need basis. In September, she and Coaline went to Gordon's Food Service and replenished supplies, bearing in mind the various activities being planned in addition to the Sunday Coffee Fellowship. The Coffee Fund balance is $60.98. There was no RADA activity in September.
d. Library, Coaline Luplow. No activity to report.
e. Sunshine, Marlene Miller. No report was given.
f. Special Events, Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey. A thank you card and a
$150 donation was received from the family of Violet Byers for the funeral luncheon.
g. Charitable Donations, Dorothy Trgina. Dorothy was unable to attend
today's meeting. Ladies will meet tomorrow, Oct. 5 to assess the LWR donations; f all kits are complete, the items will be packed then. Sharyn will take the boxes to the collection site in Saginaw.
Comments by Pastor: Pastor received many nice comments from Violet Byer's family regarding the funeral luncheon. The family gave a lovely plant to the Church.
Seminary Student Report - current letter on bulletin board. Sharyn received a letter and also an e-mail from Justin Hesterman, our new seminary student. Sharyn read the letter and stated that she had sent him information about Peace Lutheran Church. Justin is a 2nd year seminary student at Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne, having received a degree in Psychology at Bowling Green. His home congregation is in Napoleon, Ohio and he is single. We look forward to having Justin as our Sem Student.
a. Banner Storage. The area is completed and the supply storage area has been
re-located to the south wall of the classroom. Guild is well pleased with the work done by the Board of Trustees, and especially Daren Johnson.
b. Cookbook. The recipes have been submitted and Coaline received a letter
from the company stating that the order has been processed. The company will typeset the data, send to us for proof-reading and we will return for printing. The entire project is to take 45 to 50 working days, and we hope the finished cookbooks are returned to us in time for the Dec. 5 Cookie Walk and Bazaar.
Old Business:
a. Constitution. Proper procedures having been followed, the proposed
revised Guild Constitution and By-laws was presented for action. The Executive Committee worked on the document, bringing it more in line with what Guild is doing and should be doing. Motion by Sharyn, support by Phyllis to adopt the updated Ladies Guild Constitution and By-laws. Approved unanimously.
b. Pastor Appreciation Day, Oct. 17. Discussion centered on the dinner menu and decorations, which will follow an autumn theme. Offers of gourds, leaves and cloth pumpkins were accepted and will be incorporated into the d��Ãécor for the day.
c. Wall crucifix for Joan Burch. Coaline purchased a wall crucifix for Joan.
Terry Luplow , Joan's elder, Coaline and Lois took it to her and spent time visiting.
d. Reformation Sunday. The S.A.L.T. Committee has requested Guild's help
with desserts and beverages at an 11:30 a.m. Reformation Day Dinner and party. Several ladies volunteered to bring desserts and punch. The dinner and games will follow a German theme. The event is open to anyone wanting to attend; people are encouraged to invite guests. A freewill offering will be taken.
e. Bazaar. Coaline reported on the table prices will remain the same; In the front, $20 for 1 table, $35 for 2; In the back, $15 for 1 table, $25 for 2. Gretchen has pieced the quilt top together and she brought it so the ladies could see the progress.
New Business:
a. Prayer Chain. Mary Jakolat expressed a concern: She observed that some-
times everyone on the Prayer Chain does not get the message. Following discussion, decision made to continue the prayer chain using the telephone, but to also send an informational e-mail to members-at-large so they are aware a request is making its way through the chain. The chain will be revised so that Marlene will call Mary first. Marlene will type a new list.
b. Gift for Lisa. Motion by Sharyn, support by Sally, that Guild purchase a $30
gift certificate at Lisa'a favorite hair salon. Approved. The certificate will be presented at the Pastor Appreciation Dinner.
c. Pitcher/Punch bowl and decaf coffee maker. Coaline presented a picture of
an attractive heavy plastic covered container with a space for ice and with an attractive spigot for pouring the beverage. She had recently seen one at a social function, and it was very attractive. Checking online, Coaline found the pitcher is available at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for $29.95. Motion by Carol, support by Mary, that Guild purchase 3 pitchers for use on the beverage table when we host events. Approved.
We have a coffee urn that we use to make regular coffee on Sundays
and for special events. However, we need an urn for making decaf coffee. Following discussion, a decision was made to table the matter.
d. Transportation for college students. While this does not pertain to solely to
Guild, the topic was introduced for awareness. One of the Alma college students has been walking to church. Perhaps someone can bring him and take him home? Some churches have a designated time and place on campus for students to meet for a ride to their churches. Suggestion made that to encourage the college students to attend Peace Lutheran Church, transportation could be provided for them. Carol will research and pursue the possibilities.
e. Church Website. Ladies Guild page comes up blank on the Peace Lutheran
Church website. Following discussion, Pastor Messer indicated he would work with a designated person to teach them how to do the Ladies Guild page. Carol Zeile volunteered to be that person. Discussion about things we could incorporate into the page include: our constitution and by-laws, our seminary student, prayer chain, coffee hostess list, Altar Guild, Bazaar, and Guild meeting minutes.
Thank you to Sally Pease for serving as today's hostess.
Next meeting date is November 5; Sharyn Greening, hostess.
Closing Prayer. There being no further business to discuss and transact, the meeting was adjourned at 2:15. Pastor Messer led the ladies' in the Lord's Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Lois Ramsey, Secretary