Nov 1 2010
NOVEMBER 1, 2010
Officers and Committee Chairpersons
President: Coaline Luplow - Vice-President: Carol Zeile - Secretary: Lois Ramsey -
Treasurer: Sharyn Greening - Banner Committee: Gretchen Harrison -
Altar Committee: Carol Zeile - Kitchen Committee: Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey -
Sunshine Committee: Marlene Miller - Library Committee: Coaline Luplow --
Special Events Committee: Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey
Charitable Donations Committee: Dorothy Trgina
Call to Order: President Coaline Luplow gave the call to order at 1:00 p.m., and gave the opening prayer. Those in attendance were Coaline Luplow, Sharyn Greening, Carol Zeile, Mary Girard, Gretchen Harrison, Yvonne Elenbaas, Phyllis Hill, Mary Jakolat, and Lois Ramsey. The devotion, presented by Coaline, was the Daily Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries for October 25, 2010, entitled "Bugs Kill People, Bibles Don't†(2 Thessalonians 3:1). Mites were collected.
Secretary's Report: The minutes of the October 4 meeting were accepted.
Treasurer's Report: Fund balances are: $209.25, Checking. $1,259.30, Savings.
Committee Reports:
a. Altar, Carol Zeile. No report.
b. Banner, Gretchen Harrison. The three banner books have been updated and
are identical. One book has been placed in the receptacle on the wall by the banner closet. Please notify Gretchen if banners need repair.
c. Kitchen, Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey. Lois reported that $51.31 was
spent from the coffee fund for supplies in October and the current fund balance is $59.67. There was no activity for the Rada Cutlery in November; the display was not set up due to the Pastor Appreciation dinner on that day.
d. Library, Coaline Luplow. No report.
e. Sunshine, Marlene Miller. No report.
f. Special Events, Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey. Fifty-five people
attended the dinner to honor Pastor Messer for Pastor Appreciation and to recognize the 5th anniversary of his ministry at Peace Lutheran Church.
g. Charitable Donations, Dorothy Trgina. Sharyn took the LWR items
collected to the collection location in Saginaw. The ladies of Peace sent 11 health kits, 30 school kits, 2 quilts, and a large box containing 50 bars of soap. Sewing kits consisting of yard goods, thread, buttons, etc., are currently being collected for 2011 LWR. A notice will be posted on the Guild bulletin board and also placed in the Peace Post.
Comments by Pastor: Pastor did not attend the meeting.
Seminary Student Report: The most recent correspondence from our current student Justin Hesterman is posted on the church bulletin board. Also posted, a birth announcement from our former student, Tim Lorenz and his wife.
a. Cook Book. The proofs are to be in this week from the company. Proof
readers are needed.
Old Business:
a. Web Page. Carol stated the web page is up and she explained what is there. Discussion ensued about cross-referencing to the Peace Post. Motion by Mary Girard, support by Yvonne, to add Guild minutes to the website following approval at meeting. Approved.
b. Bazaar. Coaline reported that tables in the front have been taken, but no one
wants a table in the back room. Currently 16 crafters have signed on; there is room for 6 more, which would bring $90 in space rental. Discussion ensued about doing special things to make the back room spaces more desirable. Some suggestions were to bring in floor lamps to improve the lighting, power strips to allow more access to electricity and also to provide space heaters and possibly music. Suggestion to close the back hallway off with a decorated sheet which would focus attention to the crafters in the backroom. Phyllis donated a sheet.
Coaline discussed the Cookie Walk work schedule and luncheon. (See separate Cookie Walk report.)
New Business:
a. Advent Dinners. Decision made to have soup, salad, and bread for the
Advent Dinners on Dec. 1, 8, and 15. The meal will begin at 6:00 p.m., Advent Service will begin at 7:00 p.m. Coaline will post a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. The Children's Christmas Program will be at 7:00 p.m. on December 22; dinner will be at 6:00 p.m.
b. Christmas decorating. Advent is a penitential season, a season of looking
forward. Carol will write a bulletin article explaining the use of decorations during the Advent Season. On the first Sunday of Advent (Nov. 28) the banners on the west wall of the nave will be removed. The Advent Wreath will be in place. Following the Divine Service on the Last Sunday in Advent (Dec. 19) the nave will be decorated for Christmas and the tree, the nativity set, and the banners will be placed. Helpers are needed and a pizza lunch will be provided for all helpers.
c. Cake to observe church history. Motion by Sharyn, support by Yvonne, that
Guild purchase a decorated cake to be served at the fellowship hour on Sunday, November 14 to recognize and remember that Peace Lutheran Church was organized on November 11, 1962. Approved.
d. Guild Christmas Party. The Guild Christmas party will be at the December
meeting. Gift exchange, $5 to $7.
e. Cushions for Pews. Discussion about the need for individual pew cushions
for some of our older members. Possibly start with four cushions. A sample was passed around. Tabled. Kneelers were also mentioned as a thought for future discussion.
Thank you to Hostess. Thank you to Sharyn Greening for serving as today's hostess.
Next meeting date and Hostess. The next meeting is December 6 at 1:00 p.m., Coaline Luplow is hostess.
Closing Prayer. There being no further business to conduct, the meeting adjourned at 3:03 p.m. with the ladies lifting their voices together in the Lord's Prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Lois M. Ramsey, Secretary
A. A work schedule was passed around.
B. Coaline will send letters to the crafters two weeks prior to the bazaar. She will be at the church from 6 until 9 on Friday evening so they can set up and she will be there at 7 a.m. on Saturday. Crafters are to call her if they are unable to attend.
C. Tables in the 2 front rooms are sold plus one table in the middle of the adult class room. No tables in the back are sold yet.
D. Cookie can prices will remain the same as last year: Lg. $9.00, Med. $6.00, Sm. $4.00. Decorative tins, as priced. Plate with lg. Cookies, $3.00/Doz.
E. Luncheon: Sloppy joes, coleslaw, chips, pickle and pop.
$2.00 - S.J., coleslaw, chips and pickle.
$1.50 - S.J., chips and pickle
$1.25 - S.J.
$ .75 - Pop
$ .25 - Cookie
Free coffee
Suggest: 10# coleslaw, Lois; 10 bags buns, Phyllis; 6 jars pickles, Coaline; 2 crockpots of sloppy joes, Phyllis and Mary Girard; potato chips, Yvonne; pop, Coaline.
F. Set-up - Wednesday, Dec. 1 after Advent Service. Take down after bazaar.
G. Cookie call list -- Each lady bring 20 - 25 dozen cookies. Start calling Monday, Nov. 15: Coaline and Mary Girard.
H. Advertising - need picture of quilt. The Quilt is done. Flyers are done. Lois will take care of advertising.
I. Cutlery -- Inventory to see if there is enough for sale at the Bazaar.
J. Thrivent Money. It is no longer available.
K. Money Box - change to start with: Sharyn will bring starter cash. Gretchen has a cigar box to use for the quilt raffle. (Starter money and cash boxes are needed for the cookie sales and for the luncheon sales.)
L. Permission to put up signs. Sharyn will ask Bank of America and Kentwood Pharmacy.
M. Cookie Protector. We had just the right amount last year. Will get more from Chris Brown.
N. A sign is needed for the door to the nursery - crafters in the back room disappointed in the turn out back there. Discussed and taken care of; Phyllis donated a sheet, plans are to decorate it calling attention to the crafters in the back room. See minutes of the Nov. meeting.