March 7


MARCH 7, 2011

Officers and Committee Chairpersons

President:  Coaline Luplow - Vice-President:  Carol Zeile - Secretary:  Lois Ramsey -

Treasurer:  Sharyn Greening - Banner Committee: Gretchen Harrison -

Altar Committee:  Carol Zeile - Kitchen Committee:  Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey -

Sunshine Committee:  Marlene Miller - Library Committee:  Coaline Luplow --

Special Events Committee:  Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey

Charitable Donations Committee:  Dorothy Trgina


Call to Order:  President Coaline Luplow convened the meeting at 1:05 p.m.  Pastor Messer gave the opening prayer.  Coaline presented the devotion, taken from The Portals of Prayer, the reading for March 7, "Uncomfortable Word”, based on I Peter 1: 15-17.  Present for the meeting were Coaline Luplow, Carol Zeile, Sharyn Greening, Gretchen Harrison, Marlene Miller, Charlotte Dargie, Sally Pease, Mary Jakolat, Lois Ramsey and Pastor Messer.  Offerings were placed in the Mite basket.


Secretary's Report:  The report was accepted as presented.


Treasurer's Report:  Account balances are:  $1,510.52, Savings and $311.24, Checking.


Committee Reports:

a.      Altar, Carol Zeile.  A reminder to ladies caring for the Altar that the

Christian Care Fund jar will be set out every week.  It appears that we have no pre-Lent banners for placement on the west wall of the nave.  Making these banners could be a future project for Guild.  Pastor would like a red banner for Feast Days for the front of the church.

            a1. Carol is preparing to update the written Altar Guild guidelines to reflect recent changes.

            a.2..  The common cup and individual cups will be used for Sunday Divine Service but only the common cup will be used at Divine Service and Feast Day Service during the week.

            a.3.  Gretchen made a nice collection of new purificators.  She purchased new gloves for the elders.

a4. During Lent, four banners will hang on the west wall of the nave.   During Lent, we will have no flowers in the sanctuary and the plant stands will be removed. Flowers will be used only on Maundy Thursday and again for the Easter Vigil.  The Altar paraments will be changed to white before the Easter Vigil.

            a5.  A suggestion for consideration:  Altar Guild could use some new banners.  Is it possible that Ladies Guild could make some? 

            a6.  On Ash Wednesday, a black cloth is used on the altar.  Something to think about is perhaps Guild would consider purchasing a black super frontal at some time in the future.

b.      Banner, Gretchen Harrison.  Gretchen will look for banner patterns.

c.       Kitchen, Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey.  Lois reported that after Sunday

donatations and supplies purchased, the Coffee Fund balance on Feb. 28 was $89.16.  There was no Rada activity in February.

d.      Library, Coaline Luplow.  Nothing new to report.

e.      Sunshine, Marlene Miller.  Nothing new to report.

f.        Special Events, Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey.  Coaline read a letter

from Pastor Chambers of Illinois for the monetary gift received from Ladies Guid to help in a difficult financial time at the time of his father's illness and death in Texas.  Pastor Chambers is a friend of Pastor Messer.  The Executive Committee met and concurred to send $100 to Pastor Chambers in Christian love and support. .

g.      Charitable Donations, Dorothy Trgina.  In Dorothy's absence, Coaline

reported that baby layette donations will be received through March 31.  Donations can be complete layette sets or single items that will be assembled into sets.


Comments by Pastor: Pastor Messer expressed his appreciation to Guild for their care and concern for Pastor Chambers and his family. 

            Pastor reported that the Elders have undertaken a project of video taping the Sunday Divine Services for distribution to shut-ins.  Freda Hill suggested to Pastor that it would be nice if there was a way to record the Divine Service and get it to shut-ins.  Larry Elliott studied the project and determined what would be needed to implement it, and using Memorial Fund money to do so.  Several MP3 players were purchased and the shut-ins will be shown how to use them.  A Sunday bulletin will also be taken to each shut-in.  The Elders will start and after that volunteers will be recruited to deliver the MP3 players and bulletins to the shut-ins after Sunday Morning Bible Study.

            Pastor talked with Guild about the ECO Palm project of LWR, and shared the brochure he had received.  The farmers who grow the palms are the direct sellers, with no middle-men, so the farmer receives full compensation in this free trade activity.  Cost is $6.15 per bunch, each containing 18-20 stems, with total shipping costs of $10.50 and delivery between April 11-14.


Seminary Student Report - current letter on bulletin board.  There has been no

recent correspondence from our student.



a.       Banners.  Guild decided to make new banners as needed.


Web Page.  The link for the photos sent for the webpage can't be opened.  Sharyn gave two CDs with photos, but they are too large for the web page and can't be edited.   Dis-cussion on the possible cause and ways to get the pictures to Carol by other means so she can post them on the site. 

            Discussion about the format for posting Guild minutes to the site.  Minutes will be posted after approval, with a notation about any corrections.


Old Business:

a.       Vacuum cleaner.   Andrea hasn't made a decision yet.


New Business:  

a.       A cake will be served during fellowship hour on March 13 to commemorate

the anniversary of Peace Lutheran Church, Alma, becoming a member of the Missouri Synod on March 17. 1963.

b.      On Ash Wednesday, the Youth Group will prepare and host a Taco Bar prior

to the Service.  This will be a fund raiser for them.

c.       The Lenten Dinners on March 16, 23, 30 and April 6 and 13 will be Soup and

Salad meals.  A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.  SALT will provide the meals on April 6 and 13.

            d.  Motion by Marlene, supported by Charlotte, that Guild purchase however many bunches of ECO Palms needed to Palm Sunday.  It is estimated that 3 bunches, each containing 18 to 20stems, will be sufficient.  Approved.


Thank you to Hostess.   Thank you to Marlene Miller (and Charlotte) for serving as hostess today.


Next meeting date is April 4, 2011, at 1:00 p.m., with Carol Zeile serving as Hostess.


Closing Prayer.  There being no further business to conduct, Coaline adjourned the meeting at 1:15 p.m.  Pastor Messer led and all prayed the Lord's Prayer in unison.


Respectfully submitted,


Lois Ramsey, secretary.