Feb 7 2011
FEBRUARY 7, 2011
Officers and Committee Chairpersons
President: Coaline Luplow - Vice-President: Carol Zeile - Secretary: Lois Ramsey -
Treasurer: Sharyn Greening - Banner Committee: Gretchen Harrison -
Altar Committee: Carol Zeile - Kitchen Committee: Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey -
Sunshine Committee: Marlene Miller - Library Committee: Coaline Luplow --
Special Events Committee: Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey
Charitable Donations Committee: Dorothy Trgina
Call to Order: President Coaline Luplow called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. After the Opening Prayer, the Portals of Prayer devotional reading for the day was read: "All Pathsâ€. Present for the meeting were Coaline Luplow, Sharyn Greening, Yvonne Elenbaas, Gretchen Harrison, Marlene Miller, Charlotte Dargie, and Lois Ramsey. Carol Zeile and Mary Jakolat were unable to attend. Offerings were placed in the Mite basket.
Secretary's Report: The Secretary Report was accepted subject to the following change for clarification: Old Business: Gable boxes for Cookie Walk cookies. Concensus …. To order four (4) boxes - two of each size and colors (red and green). Change to …â€to order 4 cartons - two of each size and colors (red and green). Each carton contains 100 boxes.â€
Treasurer's Report: The treasurer reported the following balances: $1,510.20, Savings Account, and $626.24, Checking Account.
Committee Reports:
a. Altar, Carol Zeile. No report presented.
b. Banner, Gretchen Harrison. Inquiry about when the Christmas Banners in
the Nave and in the Fellowship area should be taken down and what banners should replace them. Carol will be consulted about the banners in the Nave, but the ladies decided the banners in the fellowship area could be replaced any time and decided that following this meeting the Christmas banners would be taken down and replaced with the "Peaceâ€, "Loveâ€, "Joyâ€, and "Hope†banners.
c. Kitchen, Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey. Lois reported a balance of
$44.56 in the Coffee Fund There were no Rada catalogue orders in January; in-stock sales were $15.50, with a profit of $5.05.
d. Library, Coaline Luplow. No report presented.
e. Sunshine, Marlene Miller. No report presented.
f. Special Events, Coaline Luplow and Lois Ramsey. There was nothing to
g. Charitable Donations, Dorothy Trgina. On Dorothy's behalf, Coaline
reported that the collection of Baby Layettes will continue through March 31.
Comments by Pastor: Pastor Messer did not attend the meeting and nothing was presented on his behalf.
Seminary Student Report - current letter on bulletin board. There has not been any recent correspondence from our student.
Projects: We currently have no projects to report on.
Web Page: Nothing was presented.
Old Business:
a. Cook Books. So far, $1,266 has been deposited and Sharyn has another $26
to place in the account. The invoice of $1,717.10 is paid in full. Brochures are available for distribution. Ladies were encouraged to take a few and distribute them.
b. Cushions for chairs. Suggestion made to place the cushions in a visible place
on Sunday mornings, so people remember to take one.
New Business:
a. Vacuum Cleaner for Church. The vacuum cleaner has seen better days.
Motion by Lois, support by Gretchen, that Andrea Elliot (who volunteers to do the vacuuming) be granted permission to research and make a recommendation to Guild for a machine costing up to $500. So Andrea will not need wait until the March meeting for approval to purchase a machine, and to eliminate the necessity of calling a special Guild meeting to approve the vacuum purchase, Motion amended by Sharyn that Andrea present her recommendation to the Guild Executive Committee for their approval of the vacuum cleaner purchase. Motion and amendment approved.
b. Ash Wednesday. March 9. Youth Group will do a dinner as a fund raiser.
c. Lent Dinners. Salt will take one week. Decision made to continue with the
Soup and Salad meals during Lent. A sign up sheet will be posted and further discussion will take place at the March meeting.
d. Issues, Etc. Discussion about Guild donation to this ministry. Motion by
Sharyn, support by Gretchen, that Guild donate $200 to Issues, Etc. Approved.
Thank you to hostess. Thank you to Yvonne Elenbaas for serving as hostess to today's meeting.
Next Meeting.The next meeting will be March 7, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. Marlene Miller, hostess.
Closing Prayer. The meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m. and the ladies joined in the Lord's Prayer.
Respectfully submitted.
Lois M. Ramsey, Secretary